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Paul Renall - Tai Chi Weekend

4 - 5 October, 2025 

Workshop for beginners and advanced

Paul Renall has inspired many of us in the Netherlands with his fresh look at Tai Chi Training and he has inspired himself with the following quote:

“What is important is that the principles remain the same. Different masters improved the art until the ultimate objective is achieved where form becomes formless, limbs are no more important, brute force becomes nonexistent and stiffness has given way to being fully relaxed. Character formation has advanced to the stage of “non-self” and of non-resistance”

-Master Huang Sheng Shyan

Paul's trigger to develop his teaching skills is the question:How can I help beginners speed up they're learening process?

He is always full of surprises and makes your training and understanding of Tai Chi fun and effective.

He will bring you to feel the relaxation in the Relaxing Excersices and

He will play with you to make you feel aligned and connected to experience sinking, to bring all this elements into the Short Form.

If you consider TAI CHI your source of inspiration and wellbeing and you wank to keep it growing in you, Paul Renall is one of your sure stops on your way, among the big family taichi network devoted to bring the Tai Chi principles into our understanding and and daily practice.

Don't learn only movements,

learn about what makes you move!

Practical Information


to be determined.


100 weekend

€65 one day


You are welcome at 09:30 for coffee

Program from 10:00 to 17:00

Lunch 13:00-14:00. Two coffee breaks

Bring your own lunch!



Residential Tai Chi Workshop in Praag 9-13 July 2025

The Tai Chi School is based in the beautiful city of Prague where Paul teaches and gives Residential training for interested foreigners who want to spend a lovely Summer Holiday and at the same time enjoy learning Tai Chi in a wonderful sphere of international friendship.

The living costs in Prague suit every pocket and makes it an unforgettable experience.

Visit his website here to find more about what Paul does and also become his friend on Facebook.

Paul Renall
Paul Renall and Marcela Astete doing a tai chi exercise
Paul's class
Group picture after Paul's tai chi class