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Wisdom of the Andes

What is the Cosmology of the Andes?

The indigenous peoples of the Andes live in deep connection with nature, believing that everything, visible and invisible, is alive. This cosmology, encapsulated in the symbol of the Chakana, teaches that everything is interconnected and that people must maintain balance to protect the earth. The seven codes of the Andes aid in reaching higher states of consciousness, while the Qhapaq Ñan, a path of initiation, teaches the balance between biology and spirituality. Kawsay Pacha Nederland offers courses to learn this wisdom and to engage in self-healing.

Want to learn more? Visit To enroll in a course, contact Marcela Astete at

Who is Nicolás Pauccar?

Nicolás Pauccar comes from a long line of shamans/high priests and was destined to lead his people as a shaman. However, at the age of 12, he decided to leave his village with the dream of learning to read and write in Spanish. He had heard many stories about the "mighty city" of Cusco and wanted to see it with his own eyes.

In the following years, disappointment followed disappointment. There was no mighty city, he did not understand the language and customs, and he witnessed daily how his people were discriminated against and excluded. He could only find work serving "white" people, but he continued to develop himself and fulfilled his dream. He was the first Q'ero to learn to speak and write in Spanish.

Between the ages of 18 and 25, he traveled the world and realized the richness of his culture for the first time. Filled with this discovery, he returned to his village to share this realization. He insisted within his community that this richness should be shared with the world before it disappeared over time.

According to the Inca and Maya calendars, a new era began on Earth in 2012. For Nicolás Pauccar Calcina, this was the right moment to make the esoteric wisdom of the Andean cosmology available to the world. To do so, he founded the Initiation School KawsayPacha, where he teaches about rituals and the inner path to anyone willing to delve into it. This sparked a lot of resistance within his people as they had been hunted down in the past by representatives of the Holy Inquisition.

The people were exterminated, with only a small group managing to preserve their culture and traditions high in the mountains. Despite the protests from his community, Nicolás felt compelled to make this opening before the purity of their culture was lost.

Ultimately, he felt called to follow his destiny and dedicated his life to it. He received many initiations to connect with his deepest roots and now works as a messenger of his culture, assuming a leadership role.

His message is directed at everyone, regardless of belief or origin. It has a universal nature and aims to guide individuals to follow their inner path and stand in their own power.

Shamans preparing a ritual
Nicolás Pauccar Calcina

Nicolás Pauccar Calcina, Founder of the

Kawsay Pacha School.